Downspout Drain

The downspout drain is the most important drain in the Rainwater Drainage System.

These drains move the water collected from your roof out in away from your home. Usually to the street or a natural area behind the home.

In addition to moving the roof water, most all other drains attach to the downspout drain. For example, if you have a yard drain or a French drain installed in the backyard, the discharge point of that system connects to the downspout drain which already leads out to the street. He comes the most important Drain in the Rainwater Drains system.

The downspout drain should be maintained every 3 to 5 years. It doesn’t matter if it’s corrugated pipe or if it’s PVC pipe this drain needs to be clean on a regular basis.

If you’re a DIY, you can easily do this yourself! You can rent a drain cleaning machine or a pressure washer and a mini jet nozzle. You can also test your line with a garden hose. Simply put the garden hose in the pipe at the downspout and let it run. See if you have a flow out to the street or wherever it is discharging. If not that Pipe needs to be clean.

Please watch the selected videos about downspout drains and about cleaning the stream. After watching you will have a great understanding of why the strain is so important.

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