Nationwide Consulting

WorldWide On Site Consulting

Now Available!
Get The Help You Need!
I can come and oversee your entire project.
If you have a serious drainage problem and really need some help, Sign Up for On Site Consulting. Anywhere in the US or the World!
Even with all the costs associated in coming to your job site, I guarantee I can save you money!
Yes there are costs involved, but you can rest assured that your project will be completed with a 100% Guarantee that the install will be correct and Solve your Drainage Issue.
Some Associated Costs:
Travel, Hotel, Food,
Transportation Rental,
and Small Daily Fee…
Depending on where you live, if it’s within 500 miles, I can drive there however, if it’s further than that, of course I need to fly which means I would need transportation,
I don’t need a fancy hotel room, just one with a small kitchen, so basically two or three star hotel. Or if you’re comfortable and have the room, I could actually stay with you.
Of course we would make a video of the install to help other YouTube viewers with their project.
it really all depends on where you are, but most places in the US my estimate of total cost would be around $1200 for two days. But you know what? I still believe that I can save you money and best of all, totally solve your drainage problem .
Overseas travel is a little different. Of course there’s the airfare, that’s really the big expense but even with that, I know I can solve your problem and save you so much money.
But BEST of all, You Know You
Will Receive a Truly Dedicated
Consultant That Believes
We Can Do This!
Schedule Early

Sign up online

or call me directly
(321) 200-0685
Orlando Florida
Best Regards,
Apple Drains
Drainage Contractors
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